Report Descriptions: Resident (partial list)

Average Age by Location: Computes the residents' average age based on daily census and known dates-of-birth. Displays the average age by unit location and count of residents. Also shows the Center total resident count and overall average age.

Average Length Of Stay: Of residents moved in at a census date, the number of days between first move-in and Census Date  with totals and averages.  Lists move-in date, move-out date, number of days, and Resident name.

Average Length Of Stay By Date: Number of days between move-in and move-out with totals and averages. Based on move-out date.  Lists move-in date, move-out date, number of days, and Resident name.

Average Length Of Stay By Move-In: Number of days between move-in and move-out with totals and averages for contiguous stays. Lists move-in date, move-out date, number of days, Resident name, current status, location and type services.

Average Length Of Stay By Resident: Number of days between move-in and move-out with totals and averages for resident. Lists move-in date, move-out date, number of days, Resident name, status, location and type services.

Daily Census - Alphabetical: Alphabetical listing of residents by current daily census. Displays residents' unit, room, occupancy location, Center phone number, and type of services provided.

Daily Census - Companions: Lists resident companions by current daily census. Displays resident's location, status, type of services, and companion information. Note: PC date and time must be correct.

Daily Census - Conversions: Alphabetical listing of residents by current daily census. Displays resident's unit, room, and occupancy location,  type of services and conversion location.  Note: PC date and time must be correct.

Daily Census - Financial: Alphabetical listing of residents by current daily census. Displays resident's monthly income and net worth and type of services provided. Note: PC date and time must be correct.

Daily Census - Level of Care: Lists current daily census by service provided and Level of Care. Lists the resident's name, unit, room, occupancy location, and Center phone number.

Daily Census - Meals: Listing of current residents sorted by unit and room location. Displays resident's unit, room, and occupancy location, Center phone number, and type of services provided. Note: PC date and time must be correct.

Daily Census - Physicians: Lists resident physicians by current daily census. Displays resident's location, status, type of services, and physician information. Note: PC date and time must be correct.

Daily Census - Resident Details: Detailed alphabetical listing of residents by current daily census. Displays residents' unit, room, occupancy location, Center phone number, type of services provided, and physician. Also lists responsible party's name, phone numbers, and Track 1.

Daily Census by Female Gender: Details the resident census as of the current date by female gender. Shows resident unit, room, and occupancy location. Note: PC date and time must be correct.

Daily Census by Following Physician: Lists resident following physicians by current daily census. Displays resident's location, status, type of services, and physician information. Note: PC date and time must be correct.

Daily Census by Gender Group: Details the resident census as of the current date by gender group. Shows resident unit, room, and occupancy location. Note: PC date and time must be correct.

Daily Census by Location: Details the resident census as of the current date by location of unit, room, and occupancy location. Also shows resident phone and type of service provided.

Daily Census by Location List: Lists the resident census as of the current date by location of unit, room, and occupancy location.

Daily Census by Location List with Conversion: Details the resident census as of the current date by unit, room, and occupancy location. Shows resident conversion location and type of services provided.

Daily Census by Male Gender: Details the resident census as of the current date by male gender. Shows resident unit, room, and occupancy location. Note: PC date and time must be correct.

Daily Census by Move In Date: Details the resident census as of the current date by Move-In date. Shows resident unit, room, and occupancy location. Note: PC date and time must be correct.

Daily Census by Payor: Lists the resident census as of the current date. Lists by payor type, ResID, Move-In date, name and status.

Daily Census by Physical Move In Date: Details the resident census as of the current date by Physical and Financial Move-In dates. Shows resident unit, room, and occupancy location. Note: PC date and time must be correct.

Daily Census by Race: Lists the resident census as of the current date. Lists by race, resident name, status, and location.

Daily Census by Referral Source: Lists the resident census as of the current date. Lists by person responsible for the referral. Lists the resident's name, unit, room, occupancy location, and Center phone.

Daily Census by Services: Lists the current daily census by Service provided. Lists the resident's name, unit, room, occupancy location, and Center phone.

Emergency Contacts - Residents: Lists the emergency contacts for each resident. Displays the resident name, unit, room, occupancy location, Center phone number, emergency contact names, addresses and phone numbers, and relationship to the resident.

Historical Census: Alphabetical listing of residents for selected date. Displays resident's unit, room, and occupancy location, payor type, and type of services provided.

Historical Census by Location: Listing of residents by unit/room location for selected date. Displays resident's unit, room, and occupancy location, payor type, and type of services provided.

Move-Ins and Move-Backs: Provides a list of Move-Ins and Move-Backs by date range selected. Move-Ins and Move-Backs are grouped by payor type and counted. Also provides the date, Res ID, and name.

Move-Ins and Move-Backs by Location: Provides a list of Move-Ins and Move-Backs by date range selected. Move-Ins and Move-Backs are grouped by Previous Location and counted. Also provides the date, name and referral source.

Move-Ins and Move-Backs by Payor: Provides a list of Move-Ins and Move-Backs by payor within date range selected. Move-Ins and Move-Backs are grouped by payor type and counted. Also provides percentage of gross total by payor type.

Move-Ins and Move-Backs Details: Provides a list of Move-Ins and Move-Backs by date range selected.  Includes Resident address. Move-Ins and Move-Backs are grouped by payor type and counted. Also provides the date, Res ID, and name.

Move-Ins and Move-Backs List: Provides a list of Move-Ins and Move-Backs by date range selected. Lists the date, resident name, and unit, room, and occupancy location.

Move-Ins and Move-Backs With Physical Address: Provides a list of Move-Ins and Move-Backs by date range selected. Move-Ins and Move-Backs are grouped by payor type and counted. Also provides the date, Res ID, and name and Physical Address.

Move-Ins and Move Outs by Date: Provides a list of Move-Ins and Move-Outs by date range selected. Move-Ins and Move-Backs are grouped together and counted. Also provides the date, resident name, location, status, type service and move-out reason.

Move-Outs - Alphabetical: Lists all Move-Outs in alphabetical order by date range selected. Displays Move-Outs by payor type and count, date, resident name, reason, category where moved to, and name of location.

Move-Outs by Date: Lists all Move-Outs by date range selected. Displays Move-Outs by payor type and count, date, resident name, reason for Move-Out, category where Moved-Out to, and name of location.

Move-Outs by Reason: Lists all Move-Outs in date range selected sorted by Reason. Displays Move-Outs by payor type and count, date, resident name, reason for Move-Out, category where Moved-Out to, and name of location.

Move-Outs by Services: Lists all Move-Outs in date range selected. Displays Move-Outs by payor type and count, date, resident name, reason for Move-Out, category where Moved-Out to, and name of location.

Parking Assignment List: Lists location of parking assignment for all residents who own automobiles. Shows Res ID, name, unit, room, occupancy location, and phone number. Also indicates whether resident has a valid driver's license and if a parking location has been assigned.

Physical Move-Ins & Move-Backs: Provides a list of Move-Ins and Move-Backs by date range selected based on Physical Move-In or Move-Back date. Move-Ins and Move-Backs are grouped by payor type and counted. Also provides the date, Res ID, and name.

Resident Anniversaries: List of anniversaries for current residents in a selected month. When prompted, enter the first 3 letters of the desired month.  Displays resident name, unit, room, occupancy location, anniversary date and years.

Resident Birthdays: List of birthdays for current residents in a selected month. When prompted, enter the first 3 letters of the desired month. Displays resident name, unit, room, occupancy location, age, and birth date. Also shows previous city and state and birth locations.

Resident Birthdays with Physical Addresses: List of birthdays for current residents in a selected month. When prompted, enter the first 3 letters of the desired month.  Displays resident name, unit, room, occupancy location, age, and birth date. Also shows previous city and state and birth location.

Resident Council Members: Lists residents who are on the Resident Council. Shows Res ID, name, unit, room, occupancy location, and phone number.

Resident Current Mailing Addresses: Shows current Residents and the selected Current Mailling Address name and complete address and resident type contact.

Resident Decision for CPR: Lists residents and their decision for CPR of Full Code. Shows Res name, unit, room, occupancy location, type service, physician, hospital and emergency contact 1.

Resident Diet: Lists the dietetic needs and food allergy concerns for all residents alphabetically by resident last name.

Resident Diet by Location: Lists the dietetic needs and food allergies for all residents by unit, room, and occupancy location. Also includes Res ID and Status.

Resident Event History: Master list of all inquiries and residents in program by a selected inquiry date range. Lists inquirer and resident names and all event histories, ie: first Move-In dates and all Move-Back and Move-Out dates.

Resident Facesheets: Resident vital information.  Produces a facesheet for each resident.

Resident Interests: Lists the activity/hobby interests for each resident based on daily census. Displays interests grouped by activity/hobby.

Resident Interests by Unit: Lists the activity/hobby interests for each resident based on daily census. Displays interests by unit, room, and occupancy location. Allows report to be filtered and displayed by a specific activity/hobby.

Resident Parking List: Shows parking information for residents.

Resident Personal Aids: Lists the type of personal aids required for each resident based on daily census. Allows report to be filtered and displayed by a specific personal aid.

Resident Physicals: Lists all upcoming Resident physical exam dates within the selected date range. Also displays Res ID, name, age, unit, room, occupancy location, and last physical exam date.

Resident Track 1 and Track 2: Lists the contents of the "Track 1" and "Track 2" fields for current residents. Also displays the Res ID, name, and unit, room, occupancy location.

Resident Veterans: Lists residents who are veterans of military service, branch, VA number, and date discharged.

Residents by Insurance Company: Lists residents alphabetically by primary insurance company. Also displays insurance expiration date, Res ID, name, and unit, room, occupancy location.

Residents by Insurance Expiration Date: Lists residents in order of insurance expiration date by primary insurance company. Also displays Res ID, name, and unit, room, occupancy location.

Residents by Religion: Lists residents alphabetically by religion, then by church. Also displays church phone number, clergy, Res ID, name, and unit, room, occupancy location.

Residents with Automobiles: Lists residents who own automobiles. Shows Res ID, name unit, room, occupancy location, and phone number. Indicates whether the resident has a valid driver's license. If resident has an assigned parking location, the location is indicated.

Residents with Housekeeping: Lists residents who have chosen to pay for housekeeping services. Shows Res ID, name, unit, room, occupancy location, and phone number.

Responsible Party - Move Outs: Lists the address and phone numbers for responsible parties of residents moved-out within a specified date range. Sorts and counts records by location resident moved to, and shows responsible party's relationship to resident.

Responsible Party - Residents: Lists the responsible party for each resident. Displays the resident name, unit, room, bed, and Center phone number. Lists responsible party name, address, phone numbers, and relationship to the resident.

Room Census: Lists room rate variances for all rooms with occupants by unit/room in the Unit/Room Library.

Room Census by Type Service: Lists room rate variances for all rooms with occupants by Type Service in the Unit/Room Library. Includes actual room (combined) rate, standard rate, variance (in $ and %) to standard, budgeted rate, and variance (in $ and %) to budget.

Room Census Summary By Type Service: Counts occupied rooms by type service according to Unit/Room library.

Room Holds by Location: Lists the current room holds by Location type and Location.  Includes reason, resident name, and room-hold date.

Room Holds by Unit and Room: Lists the current room holds by unit, room, and occupancy location, resident name and phone number, and room-hold date.

Room Rate Variances with Residents: Lists rate variances for all occupied locations by unit/room in the Unit/Room Library. Includes resident name, room type, actual rate, care level and amount, standard rate, total paid, standard rate, and variance (in $ and %) of total paid to budget. Filter by Type Service of Resident.

Scheduled Move-Outs: Lists move-outs scheduled to occur within the selected date range. Report shows unit, room, occupancy location, Res ID, resident name, move-out and notice given dates, and reason.

Secondary Addresses - Residents: Lists the Secondary Addresses for each resident. Displays the resident name, unit, room, occupancy location, Center phone number, secondary address name, addresses and phone numbers, and relationship to the resident.

Third Party Billing - Residents: Lists the Third Party Billing for each resident. Displays the resident name, unit, room, occupancy location, Center phone number, third party name, addresses and phone numbers, and relationship to the resident.

Transfers by Date: Lists all Transfers in date range selected. Displays Move-Outs by payor type and count, date, resident name, reason for Move-Out, category where Moved-Out to, and name of location.

Zip Code - All Move Ins: Lists the previous zip code and city of all past and present Residents. Shows the count of Residents by zip and total.

Zip Code - Current Responsible Party: Lists the zip code and city of the responsible party for current residents. Shows the count of current residents by zip and total.

Zip Code - Move Ins: Lists the zip code and city of the Move-Ins for a selected date range. Shows the count of Move-Ins by zip code and total of all Move-Ins.

Zip Code - Residents: Lists the previous zip code and city of the current Residents. Shows the count of Residents by zip and total.