Report Descriptions: Inquiry (partial list)

All Active Inquiries: Lists all active (not lost) inquiries in order of status priority and most current inquiry date. Lists inquiries by first contact date, tour date, inquirer and resident name, phone, services desired, and financial status.

All Active Inquiries - Alphabetical: Lists all active (not lost) inquiries in order of inquirer last name and most current inquiry date. Lists inquiries by first contact date, tour date, inquirer and resident name, phone, services desired, and financial status.

All Active Inquiries - E-Mail -Displays e-mail addresses for all active inquiries that match the status and user selected.

All Active Inquiries - Interests: Lists all Inquiries for which at least one Interest was selected.  Inquirers are grouped into their interest categories.

All Active Inquiries By Status: Lists all active (not lost) inquiries in order of status priority and most current inquiry date. Lists inquiries by first contact date, tour date, inquirer and resident name, phone, services desired, financial status and current objection.

All Inquiries Without Future Follow-up Contact: Displays all active inquiries that do not have a follow-up contact appointment in the future. Listed by inquiry date. Includes inquirer name, status, and phone numbers, as well as date and type of last contact.

Deposits By Date: Lists deposit information as updated on the Financial Tab of an Inquiry record for a specified date range.

Deposits By Date - Waitlist and Reserved: Lists waitlist and reserved deposits in date range.

Duplicate Leads Detection List: Shows possible duplicate inquiries if community is using Move-N Centerpointe.

Inquiries by Date: May be filtered by Status. Displays all inquiries by date range and status criteria selected. Shows contact date , tour date, inquirer and resident name, phone, referral category and name of referral. Calculates the number of days since inquiry date.

Inquiries by Date - Interests: Shows all Inquiries in a given date range for which at least one Interest was selected.  Inquirers are grouped into their interest categories.

Inquiries by Race: Counts inquiries by referral category and source name for a selected date range. Computes percentage of inquiries by each referral category and shows number of inquiries for each source name.

Inquiries by Referral Source Details: Displays all inquiries by date range and  status criteria selected. Shows contact date, inquirer and resident name, status, payor and type service.  Data summarized by Referral Source and Payor Type.

Inquiries by Type Contact: Displays all inquiries by date range and User ID with Type of Contact. Shows contact date, tour date, inquirer and resident name, phone, referral category, and name of referral.

Inquiries by Type Service: Displays all inquiries by date range and  status criteria selected. Shows contact date, tour date, inquirer and resident name, phone, referral category, and name of referral.

Inquiries Not Qualified: Lists all inquiries with the status of "Not Qualified" within the selected date range. Also shows inquiry date, inquirer name, potential resident name, why not qualified, category lost to, location lost to, and notes.

Inquiries Without Follow-up Contact: Displays all active inquiries that do not have a pending follow-up contact appointment. Listed by inquiry date. Includes inquirer name, status, and phone numbers, as well as date and type of last contact.

Inquiry Follow Up: Displays all active inquiries that have one or more pending follow-up contact appointment(s). Listed by inquiry date. Includes inquirer name, status, and phone numbers, as well as date and type open contact(s).

Lost Inquiries by Category: Lists all lost inquiries by lost-date range. Displays by category lost to, with totals. Also shows inquiry date, inquirer name, potential resident name, payor, why inquiry was lost, location lost to, and notes.

Lost Inquiries by Payor: Lists all lost inquiries by lost-date range. Displays by payor , with totals. Also shows inquiry date, inquirer name, potential resident name, why inquiry was lost, category lost to, and notes.

Lost Inquiries by Reason: Lists all lost inquiries by lost-date range. Displays by reason lost, with totals. Also shows inquiry date, inquirer name, potential resident name, payor, category lost to, location lost to, and notes.

Potential Resident Birthdays: List of birthdays for potential residents in a selected month. When prompted, enter the first 3 letters of the desired month.  Displays resident name, address, age, and birth date.

Potential Resident Interests: Lists the activity / hobby interests for each potential resident. Displays interests grouped by activity / hobby. Allows report to be filtered and displayed by a specific activity / hobby.

Potential Residents Average Age by Status: Lists Average Ages by status for active Potential Residents with known DOB.

Reserved Inquiries by Date: Lists reserved inquiries in order by reserved date. Displays reserved date, inquiry date, move-in date, reserved amount deposited, reserved unit/room/bed, resident name and phone.

Reserved Inquiries by Move-In Date: Lists reserved inquiries in order by move-in date. Displays reserved date, inquiry date, move-in date, reserved amount deposited, reserved unit/room/bed, resident name and phone.

Waitlist By Current Location: Lists the current waitlist in order of Current Location. Lists deposit date and amount, resident and inquirer names with phone numbers, type of room desired, location preference, and desired move-in date.

Waitlist By Deposit Date: Lists the current waitlist in order of deposit date and waitlist number. Lists deposit date and amount, resident and inquirer names with phone numbers, type of room desired, location preference, and desired move-in date.

Waitlist By Inquirer Name: Lists the current waitlist alphabetically by inquirer last name, then by deposit date. Lists deposit date and amount, resident and inquirer names with phone numbers, type of room desired, location preference, and desired move-in date.

Waitlist By Number: Lists the current waitlist in order of waitlist number, then by deposit date. Lists deposit date and amount, resident and inquirer names with phone numbers, type of room desired, location preference, and desired move in date.

Waitlist By Room Type: Lists the current waitlist in order of Room Type desired, then by deposit date. Lists deposit date and amount, resident and inquirer names with phone numbers, type of room desired, location preference, and desired move in date.

Zip Code - Inquirer: Lists the inquirer's city and zip code for selected inquiry-date range. Provides a count by zip code and totals.

Zip Code - Potential Resident: Lists the potential resident's city and zip code for selected inquiry-date range. Provides a count by zip code and totals.

Zip Code - Responsible Party: Lists the responsible party's city and zip code for selected inquiry-date range. Provides a count by zip code and totals.