Report Descriptions: Marketing (partial list)

Activity Completed - All: Lists all Completed/Closed tasks within selected date range by user. Displays date, category and type of contact, inquirer/contact name, resident/company name and the objective of contact, result, and follow-up plan.

Activity Completed - All Summary: Lists quantity of completed/closed tasks from all inquiry and marketing appointments as well as Center events. Listed by user and category within selected date range. Last page totals for completed/closed tasks for all users.

Activity Completed - Inquiry: Lists all completed/closed tasks within the selected date range by user and inquirer name. Displays date, time and type of scheduled contact, resident name and the objective of contact, result, and follow up.

Activity Completed - Inquiry Summary: Lists quantity of completed/closed inquiry contacts by user and category within selected date range. Last page lists totals for completed/closed inquiry contacts for all users.

Activity Completed - Marketing: Select criteria: Select to review all completed/closed appointments within selected date range by user and company priority. Displays date, time, contact type, contact name, company name, objective, result, and follow up.

Activity Completed - Marketing Summary: Lists quantity of completed/closed marketing appointments by user and category within selected date range. Last page lists totals for completed/closed appointments for all users.

Activity Scheduled - All: Lists all pending appointments by user and date range. Displays by date, time, type, and category of inquirer/contact name. Lists phone, resident/company name, and objective of appointment.

Activity Scheduled - All Summary: Lists quantity of pending appointments by user and category within selected date range. Last page lists totals for pending appointments for all users.

Activity Scheduled - Inquiry: Lists all incomplete/open activities within the selected date range by user and inquirer name. Displays date, time and type of scheduled contact, resident name and the objective of activity, result, and follow up.

Activity Scheduled - Inquiry Summary: Lists quantity of scheduled/open inquiry activities by user and category within selected date range. Last page lists totals for completed/ closed inquiry activities for all users.

Activity Scheduled - Marketing: Select criteria: Select to review all open appointments by product line. Lists pending appointments by user and date range. Displays appointments by date, time, type, company and contact name, priority, and objective for appointment.

Activity Scheduled - Marketing Summary: Lists quantity of pending marketing appointments by user and category within selected date range. Last page lists totals for pending appointments for all users.

Activity Scheduled Calendar: Lists all Appointments for a selected date range.  Shows events in a Month-at-a-Glance format.

Advertising Analysis: Lists and counts paid advertisements that result in an inquiry for selected date range. Shows cost of ad, type of ad, ad title, and percent of ad or event response to total.

Advertising Campaigns: Lists all ad campaigns for a date range based on the ad start date. Displays ad category, organization, and ad name. Shows ad start and stop date, cost, budget, and variance amount. Lists organization address and ad notes.

Available Occupancy with Lost Revenue: Lists available occupancy locations in the Unit/Room Library by unit and lost revenues. Also shows room type, type of service, date available, and reserved status and date.

Average Census by Date Range: Computes average census for a given date range - by resident count and occupied apartment count.

Community Event Analysis: Lists all community events scheduled for a selected date range. Displays event name, date and time, cost and budget amounts. Calculates the inquiries generated and computes the event costs vs. budget.

Community Event Campaigns: Lists all community events for a selected date range. Displays event date and time, objective, event cost, budget and variance amount. Indicates number of participants and calculates the cost per participant.

Community Event Calendar: Lists all community events for a selected ate range in calendar format.

Deposits by Referral Category: Counts deposits by referral category and source name for a selected date range. Computes percentage of deposits by each referral category and shows number of deposits for each source name.

Inactive Referral Sources: Lists Organization who have not referred with the selected date range.

Inquiries by Advertising Campaign: Counts inquiries by advertising campaign for a selected date range. Shows cost of ad, type of ad, ad title, and percent of ad or event response to total.

Inquiries by Advertising Category: Counts inquiries by advertising category for a selected date range. Shows cost of ad, type of ad, ad title, and percent of ad or event response to total.

Inquiry by Referral Category: Counts inquiries by referral category and source name for a selected date range. Computes percentage of inquiries by each referral category and shows number of inquiries for each source name.

Inquiry by Referral Source: Counts inquiries by referral source category and referral name for a selected date range. Computes percentage of inquiries by each referral category and shows number of inquiries for each referral source name.

Inquiry - Referral - Move-In Report: Displays the number of inquiries and move-ins for a selected date range. Also shows the referrals by category and name. Calculates the number of inquiries, referrals by category and move-ins; shows the inquiry to move-in conversion rate.

Inquiry Decisions - Referrals: Lists the decision factors for the date range specified. Includes inquirer and resident name, referral and contact person, and inquiry status.

Key Performance Indicator: Measures and tracks key business indicators such as inquiries, tours, ratios, move-ins/outs, deposits, outreach activities, past due assessments, current accounts receivables. Also includes projections for census, billing and room revenue.

Marketing Contact History: Select criteria: By user, company name, and contact person. Date range required. Lists desired companies, contact name, date, time, and contact type. Shows objective, result, status, and follow-up plan for each contact.

Marketing Organizations by Priority: Select criteria: Organization priority and/or category. Lists desired organizations by priority and category with name, title, phone, and priority of organization contact person(s).

Move-Ins by Referral Source: Counts Move-Ins by referral source category and referral name for selected date range. Computes percentage of Move-Ins by each referral category and shows number of Move-Ins for each referral source name.

Organizations by Zip Code - Detailed: Organizations by Zip codes, Priority and Category.  Lists company Address and and phone numbers. Counts organizations by zip code and provides name of city and state.

Productivity Report: Collects data about inquiries, move-ins, move-outs, and marketing activities to generate a trended monthly overview of the Center key census-building activities.

Productivity Report by Type Service: Collects data about inquiries, move-ins, move-outs, and marketing activities to generate an overview by type service of the Center key census-building activities.

Referral Result: Lists and counts all referrals given for the date range selected. Displays the referral type, referral name, and referral contact person, along with the name of the inquirer referred.

Referrals - All: Lists and counts all referrals given for the date range selected. Displays the referral type, referral name, and referral contact person, along with the inquirer name referred.

Referrals - Secondary - All: Lists and counts all secondary referrals given for the date range selected. Displays the referral type, referral name, and referral contact person, along with the name of the inquirer referred.

Referrals - Selected: Provides selection criteria by referral category, name, and/or contact person for the selected date range. Displays the referral category, referral name, and referral contact person, along with the name of the inquirer referred.

Revenues by Daily Census: Lists current revenues for all occupied occupancy locations by unit/room. Includes resident name and ID, room type, actual room rate, budgeted rate, variance to budget, and percent of variation.

Room Rate Variances: Lists room rate variances for all occupancy locations (by unit/room) in the Unit/Room Library. Includes occupancy location type, actual room rate, standard rate, variance (in $ and %) to standard, budgeted rate, and variance (in $ and %) to budget.

Sales Cycle: Number of days between initial call-in and move-in date. Based on move-in date. Lists inquiry date, move-in date, number of days, and Resident name.

Sales Cycle by Month: Number of days between initial call-in and move-in date. Based on move-in date.  Shows average days by month.

Total Occupancy Location Days:  Report listing of all occupant locations and the number of days they were occupied for the entered date range.

Total Occupancy Location Days by Type Service:  Report listing of all occupant locations and the number of days they were occupied for the entered date range grouped by type service.

Tours by Referral Category: Counts tours by referral category and source name for a selected date range. Computes percentage of tours by each referral category and shows number of tours for each source name.

Tours w/ Follow-up By Date: Lists Tours and Follow-up appointment information by date range.

Zip Code - Referrals: Zip code list of referrals by selected inquiry date range. Counts referrals by zip code and provides name of city and state.