Report Descriptions: Miscellaneous (partial list)

Available Occupancy by Amenities: Lists available occupancy locations in Unit/Room Library by room amenity. Includes locations currently occupied, but with Notice. Shows room type, type of service, occupancy location type, date occupied, when available, and reserved status and date.

Available Occupancy by Room Type: Lists available occupancy locations in the Unit/Room Library by unit. Includes locations currently occupied, but with Move-out notice given. Shows room type, type of service, date of notice, when available, and reserved status and date.

Available Occupancy by Room Type with Physical Addresses: Lists available occupancy locations in the Unit/Room Library by unit. Includes locations currently occupied, but with Move-out notice given. Shows room type, type of service, date of notice, when available, and reserved status and date along with the physical address from Unit Room Library.

Available Occupancy by Unit and Room: Lists available occupancy locations in the Unit/Room Library by unit. Also shows room type, type of service, occupancy location type, date occupied, when available, and reserved status and date.

Available Rooms by Room Type: Lists available rooms in the Unit/Room Library by room type. Shows unit, room, type of service, and reserved status and date.  Only displays rooms that are completely available.

Diagnosis Library: List the contents of the Diagnoses Library.

Employee Library: Lists all employees entered into the employee library. Displays user id name, address, and phone. Indicates which employees are active.

Occupied Rooms by Amenities: Lists occupied rooms in the Unit/Room Library by room amenity. Shows room type, type of service, occupancy location type, date occupied, when available, and reserved status and date.

Organizations by Category: Complete list of Organizations in the Library.  Can be filtered by Category. Displays referral name, phone numbers, address, e-mail, and notes, as well as contact information.

Preferences Library: Lists items in Preference Library.

Unit - Room - Occupant with Residents: Lists all occupancy locations by unit and room in the Unit/Room Library, with resident name if location is occupied. Includes room type, Res ID, Center phone, and when available.

Unit - Rooms - All Locations: Lists all occupancy locations in the Unit/Room Library by unit. Shows room type, type of service, occupancy location type, occupied status and date, when available, and reserved status and date.

Unit - Rooms - All Locations: Shows room type, type of service, occupancy location type, occupied status and date, when available, and reserved status and date.

Units - Rooms - Occupancy Available: Lists available occupancy locations in the Unit/Room Library by unit. Shows physical address, room type, type of service, occupancy location type, date occupied, when available, and reserved status and date.

Units - Rooms - Physical Addresses: Lists all occupancy locations in the Unit/Room Library by unit. Shows room type, physical address, occupied status, resident and resident phone.

Units - Rooms Occupied: Lists all occupancy locations in the Unit/Room Library by unit. Also shows room type, type of service, occupancy location type, occupied status and date, when available, and reserved status and date.

Zip Code Library: List contents of Zip Code Library