Button - Add a customized action button to your email.

Buttons allow you to add a way for the recipent to easily access additonal content on a website or contact you via email, phone or text messaging.

Button Customization:

  • Action:  allows the button to either open a website, send an email or call a phone number.

  • Button Options: Customize the look of the button.
  • Spacing:
    • Line height: Adjust the vertical size of the button.
    • Padding: Adjust the space surrounding the button. (Note: clicking the more options slider will allow for further customization)
    • Border: Allows for the creation and customization of a border surrounding the button.  (Note: clicking the more options slider will allow for further customization)
  • General: Adjusts the size of the container that the button is in.  (Note: clicking the more options slider will allow for further customization)
  • Responsive Design: Used when designing different layouts for desktop and mobile viewing. Allows you to hide selected elements from either desktop or mobile viewing.

Example: Customized action button.