Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Report Details        


(This report may be filtered by Type Service and Date Range)

Setting up KPI Report

Goal Setup – Several columns in this report refer to a Goal number. This number may be entered via the Community Setup screen on the Options Tab. There is a button on the top right corner labeled “Key Performance Indicators”.  Select this button and begin entering the Budget/Goal numbers.

Running KPI Report

This report may be run from the Reports menu or from the Icon on the Dashboard.  It is listed under Marketing, Key Performance Indicators.

Report Sections

In the detailed section list below you will see the corresponding area of the Community Setup budget/goal numbers for that section.


  • Move-Ins: Room count of any move-ins or move-backs with Occupancy Location of “A”  in the given report date range (so it does not count Companions/second occupant in a room)
    • Includes conversions as a separate count (if a resident is occupying two rooms simultaneously, counts as 2 Move-Ins)
    • If a move-back is from a Room-Hold – it is NOT counted.
  • Goal: Based on data entered in KPI form in community setup - Move-Ins section.  Enter for  type service, month and year.

  • Move-Outs:        Room count of any residents with Occupancy Location of “A” moved-out or deceased in the given report date range
    • Includes conversions as a separate count (if a resident is occupying two rooms simultaneously, counts as 2 Move-Outs)
  • Occupied %: Calculation = Actual Rooms Occupied / Room Inventory
  • Avail Rooms: Based on historical census – any “Rooms” not occupied
    • based on real time unit/room inventory
  • Total Rooms: Room inventory based on Unit/Room library

Room Census (Goal vs. Actual)

  • Goal Occ Rms: Based on data entered in KPI form in community setup- Occ Apts - Budget # by Type Service
  • Act Occ Rooms: Count of occupied “rooms”, based on historical census  as of the end date in date range of the report – (occupancy location is irrelevant for this count – (location A, B, C, etc. – then the room is considered occupied)
    • Includes conversions as separate count
  • % Act to Goal:        Calculation = Act Rooms Occupied / Goal Occupied Rooms

Resident Census

  • Move-Ins: Head count of any resident move-ins or move-backs in the given report date range of the report
    • Includes conversions as a separate count – counts as 2
    • If a move-back is from a Room-Hold – it is NOT counted
  • Move-Outs: Head count of any residents moved-out or deceased in the given report date range of the report
    • Includes conversions as separate count – counts as 2
    • Does not include Room Holds
  • Census: Head count of residents based on historical census as of the last day in the date range of the report


  • List of residents moved in during given date range
    • Discount rate pulls from new Discount field in Reserved section of Inquiry form

    • Posted rate pulls from Posted rate in unit/room library (not actual rate in event history)
    • Days to Convert = count of days from Inquiry Date to Move-In Date
    • # of Contacts = count of activities(appointments) completed for that Inquiry/Resident


  • List of residents moved back in given date range
    • If a move-back is from a Room-Hold – it is NOT listed
    • Discount rate pulls from new Discount field in Reserved section of Inquiry form

Scheduled Move-Ins

  • List of any potential residents with status of Reserved
    • Discount rate pulls from new Discount field in Reserved Section
    • Posted rate pulls from U/R library for selected U/R/O in reserved section
    • Days/Conv = count of days from Inquiry Date to Move-In Date
    • # of Cnt = count of activities(appointments) completed for that lead


  • List of residents moved out/deceased in given date range- Does not include Room-Holds
    • LOS = “Length Of Stay” count of days between latest of move-in/back data and move-out date

Scheduled Move-Outs

  • List of current residents with Scheduled Move-Out date entered that is greater than or equal to the beginning date in the report date range
    • LOS = count of days between latest of move-in/back data and scheduled move-out date

New Deposits

  • List of potential residents with a Reserved Date in the given date range


  • List of any transfers in given date range that have a change in type service

Inquiry Summary

  • For each Inquiry type Status (Hot, Warm, Cold, Reserved, Waitlist, Lost/Not Qual)
    • New: Count of new leads in given date range with that status
    • MTD: If Historical date range: Count of new leads  in given date range with that status
      • If Current date range:  Count of new leads from Date Range start to TODAY
    • Tours: Count of completed tours in given date range (from Activities section) with that status
    • Conversions: Calculation = Tours / New
    • Total OH (On Hand): Count of active leads with that status, regardless of date range
    • Goals:        Based on data entered in KPI form in community setup- Individual form for each status:
    • Average  Inquiries Last 12 Mo:  Count of new inquiries in year from To Date, divided by 12

Inquiries w/o Follow-up

  • Count of current inquiries without a future Activity (Appointment) listed by Status

Tour Conversion Activity

  • Tours
    • New:  Count of new activity with type contact of Tour, marked as completed, in given date range
    • Converted:  Count of new activity with type contact of Tour, marked as completed, in given date range – that have since moved in
    • Ratio:  Calculation = Converted/New
  • Tours/30
    • New:  Count of new activity with type contact of Tour, marked as completed, in last 30 calendar days
    • Converted:  Count of new activity with type contact of Tour, marked as completed, in last 30 calendar days – that have since moved in
    • Ratio:  Calculation = Converted/New]
  • Tours/60
    • New:  Count of new activity with type contact of Tour, marked as completed, in last 60 calendar days
    • Converted: Count of new activity with type contact of Tour, marked as completed, in last 60 calendar days – that have since moved in
    • Ratio:  Calculation = Converted/New
  • Tours/90
    • New:  Count of new activity with type contact of Tour, marked as completed, in last 60 calendar days
    • Converted: Count of new activity with type contact of Tour, marked as completed, in last 90 calendar days – that have since moved in
    • Ratio:  Calculation = Converted/New
  • Repeat Tours
    • Count of all type contacts with the word “tour” (ie, Re-Tour, Repeat Tour, but not Tour), marked as completed in given date range
  • Grand Total Tours
    • Count of all type contacts with the word Tour, marked as completed in given date range
  • Average Days from Inquiry to Tour:  For new Tours in given date range, calculate number of days from Inquiry date to tour date, then divide by number of tours

Inquiries By Referral Source

  • Count of New inquiries in given date range, grouped by How Learn category

Inquiries without Follow-up (Hot, Reserved, Waitlist)

  • Detail list of current inquiries without a future follow up Activity (Appointment) scheduled,  with status of Hot, Reserved or Waitlist

Inquiry Activities

  • Count of new activity in given date range, marked as completed, grouped by Type Contact for Inquiry/Residents only

Marketing Activities

  • Count of new activity in given date range, marked as completed, grouped by Type Contact – for Organizations/Contacts/Center Events/Other Appointments
  • (Does not filter by Type Service)

Lost/Not Qualified Inquiries

  • Count of inquiries with a Date Lost in the given date range, summarized by Why Lost categories

Past Due Assessments

  • Lists Residents with an assessment that is past due with number of days past due

Outreach Summary

  • Activities:  Count of Marketing Activities for Organizations in the Professional Group only,  in date range, completed, group by Organization Name
  • Activities last 12 mo: For those Organizations contacted in date range, count of how many contacts/activities were completed in the last twelve months for that Organization
  • Inquiries: Count of new leads in date range, grouped by Referral Source Name
    • Move-Ins: Count of new move-ins in date range, grouped by Referral Source Name
    • (Does not filter by Type Service)

Current Accounts Receivable

  • Real Time aging by period

Projected Monthly Room Revenue w/ Average Daily Rate

  • Last Month Billing:        Sum of dollars billed in last billing cycle for Room Rate only (regardless of date range of report)
  • Projected Revenue:        Sum of “Room Rate” for all residents in the Projected Census column above
  • Average Daily Rate:        Calculation = Projected Revenue / Projected Census Count * 12 / 365
  • If report date range is a historical time period, then this section is not applicable and shows ‘N/A’
  • Does not include pro-rate

Projected Census

  • Current Census:                Census (historical) as of End Date in date range
  • Sched M-Ins:                Count of scheduled move-ins from End Date until end of month
  • Sched M-Outs:                Count of scheduled move-outs from End Date until end of month
  • Proj Census:                Current Census + Sched M-Ins – Sched M-Outs
  • Goal:                        Based on data entered in KPI form in community setup (Residents)
  • (If report date range is a historical time period, then this section is not applicable and shows ‘N/A’)

Projected Billing

  • Last Month Billing:        Sum of dollars billed in last billing cycle for all categories (regardless of date range of report)
  • Projected Revenue:        Runs accounts receivable projection for next billing cycle
  • Does not filter by type service