Adding Health Checks

You can add a health check by selecting Resident Health Checks on the Shift Change Search  or by Clicking on the Wellness button and selecting Health Checks .

  • Click the Add button to create a new Health Check. A new Health Check will be displayed (Below) to begin recording.

Required Fields

  • Resident: Select the Resident to receive the Health Check
  • Date: Select the Date of the Health Check
  • Activity Type: Select the type of Health Check to be performed. (This list can be added to in the Resident Care Preferences library)
  • Recorded by: This field will be auto populated with current signed in account but can be changed to another Employee ID.

Non Required Fields

  • Time: Change the time as needed for the Health Check
  • Assigned To: Select the staff assignment that is appropriate for this task.
  • Result: Record result if applicable
  • Completed: Was the task already completed?
  • Notes: Any information regarding the health check that you wish to add.