
This section contains all the information related to the care of the Resident. It includes data needed to construct practical Assessments of each Resident's condition and care needs. The information entered into the Assessments will come in handy later when producing service plans and assigning the facility staff to different tasks.

Clicking the Residents link on the Resident Care menu will open the Resident Care Search screen.

Search for Resident

To search for a resident you can scroll the list of residents, by using the scroll bar on the right hand side or you can type in the last name of the resident or the first few letters to the Search Data field and press Enter or Tab.

Additional Filters

Status: Checking the boxes beside Moved-In, Moved-Out, Deceased, Inquiry will further filter the results by those status types.

Type Service: Selecting a Type Service will allow you to filter the resident list

Unit: You can display all residents in a particular Unit (floor, wing)

G/L Acct Unit: If the General Ledger Accounting Units has been enabled you may also filter by a particular GLAU.


Once the desired resident has been found then select one of the following options to open the corresponding area of Resident Care.