Skin Conditions

Skin Conditions are recorded in the Wellness section of the Resident Search screen.  You can see at a glance how many have been recorded for the resident.

  • To see existing entries, click on .  

  • To record a new skin condition, click .
  • Date will default to today's date, but change it, if necessary.
  • Physician can be selected, if the Doctor is notified, but it is not required.
  • Check the box if an assessment was completed at move-in.
  • Was any skin condition present at move-in?  Check the box, if yes.

To add a skin condition, click .  

Complete the following information.  The drop downs are located in the Resident Care Libraries.

Save the entry.

You may assign the skin condition to a Care Thread.  Click the Assign Care Thread button.

If a New Care Thread is selected, the following popup appears:

Assign and Save.

See Care Threads for additional information for updating the Care Thread.