

Q. Why are there "Categories" in the Organization Library?

A. These fields: 1) help track referral information; and 2) help Move-N determine in which drop-down lists the library records will be displayed.


Q. Why isn't the information I just added showing in the inquiry/resident drop-down list?

A. If information was added to a library from an inquiry or resident information screen, the screen may need to be updated or "refreshed" to show the addition. Simply re-select your choice in the first drop-down list of that group (for example: if a referral Person was added, re-select the "How Learn - Center" field, then select "Referral Name"; the Referral Person should now be available).


Q. Why won't all of the contact names in my library show in my drop-down lists (i.e. When I try to select a physician, not all of my entries are there)?

A. The desired referral library must be selected at the time the contact is entered, and the first phone number listed must be the Office-1 Type. Also, if the person is a physician, the Physician? checkbox must have been selected.


Q. Why won't the phone numbers show after I select library information (referral, physician, pharmacy, mortuary, insurance, etc.) on the Inquiry or Resident Information screens?.

A. The main phone number Type in the Organization (or Contact) Library must be "Office-1". As many phone Types as desired may be entered, but the first phone number listed must be the Office-1 Type in order to be displayed elsewhere in the program.


Q. How do I remove an old advertisement (that will no longer produce referrals) from the drop-down lists on my Inquiry Information screens?

A. Please see the section titled Update an Existing Advertising Campaign in the Advertising Chapter of the Administration section of the help document.