Recommended Reports for Review

The following are reports recommended for regular review at both the Corporate and Community level.  Regular review of these reports will provide an accurate assessment of marketing activities and their results. These would typically be reviewed on both a weekly and a monthly basis, but in some cases may be reviewed daily.  

Marketing report group:

  • Productivity Report - (Provides trending info including future census indicators for date range selected)
  • Activity Scheduled – Summary Report  (Quick count by user of all scheduled activity by type of activity to see if users are booking next steps)
  • Activity Scheduled – All Report (Detailed information on all scheduled activity, by type of activity and then by user)
  • Activity Completed – Summary Report (Quick count by user of all completed activity by type of activity)
  • Activity Completed – All Report (Detailed information on all completed activity, by type of activity and then by user)
  • Referrals – All Report (Total of all inquiries by referral group, referral source, inquirer name, resident name and current status)
  • Inquiry – Referral – Move-in (Summary of move-ins grouped by referral category, referral source, with conversion ratios)
  • Advertising Analysis (Advertising summary by media group, source and breakdown of inquires, cost – ROI of advertising)
  • Center Event Analysis (Summary of participation, cost – ROI of events)

Inquiry report group:

  • Inquiry by Date Report (Quick summary of current inquiries for selected date range)
  • Inquiries Without Follow up Contact (Any active inquiry that does not have a scheduled follow up)
  • Lost Inquiry by Category (Lost leads by category, date and with details)
  • Reserved Inquiry by Move-in Date (Includes deposit amount and location reserved)

Resident report group:

  • Move-ins & Move-backs (All move-ins and move-backs grouped by location moved from; with referral source info)
  • Move-outs by Reason (Grouped by category of where resident moved to, name of location, date moved out, and details of why)
  • Scheduled Move-outs (All residents with scheduled move-outs with date of move-out and reason)
  • Room Census (Listing of all occupied rooms with rates and percentage occupancy)