
  • If the resident is paying for only a portion of the billed charges, simply click the checkbox(s) at the end of the line item(s) to apply a portion of the amount paid to each specific outstanding balance due. Continue selecting the checkboxes until the Balance Due Totals and the Total to Apply amounts match. 

  • If a partial payment is made for a specific outstanding balance charge, manually enter the paid amount in the recessed field (currently $0.00). Continue entering the paid amounts until the Balance Due Totals and the Total to Apply amounts match. 
  • Click the Edit button at the end of the Charge line.  
    Enter the payment amount in "Apply Amount"
  • Click Update

The amount will appear in the Charge line.

  • When completed, click the Record button.  The "Current" Posted Balance will be decreased by the amount applied.
  • To review, click "Review".