Resident Billing and Accounts Receivable

Recommended Reports for Review

To minimize adjustments and errors on resident statements, a variety of reports may be generated, as well as actual statements, prior to distribution and/or prior to month end close.  The recommended reports to run are:

Charges by Category - this can be filtered down to view a particular charge category such as just room rate, just assessment fees, etc., if needed.  Can also be filtered down to be resident specific.  

Current Adjustments/Balance Entries/Payments/Service Fees - Each of these reports will break out only this type of activity for the user to double check prior to statement distribution/close.

Daily Cash Receipts Summary - Should be run each day to match when a deposit is made.  Compare this report to deposit.  If they don't match, check entries into system and correct any mistakes.

Projected Billing - Will give summary by resident and charge category for total billing.  

Projected G/L Details - Based on current census, lists the charges to be debited and/or credited to general ledger accounts in the next billing cycle.

Statement Summary - Displays information contained on resident statements, but in one report.  Anyone who has monthly fees or assessment fees but no room rate, or prorated room rate but full monthly fees should be red flagged.

Monthly Billing - Lists items billed only, no payments, etc, contained on statements.

Current Pro-Rate – Is Displayed in statement format, only prorated items contained on resident statements..

Move-out reports (Marketing program) - Should provide a clear picture of who should no longer have monthly fees, assessment fees, etc.  

General Ledger Summary Totals – Gives the total debits and credits to the general ledger accounts for the date range selected.

Aged Receivables Summary – Lists all resident balances by aging periods.  Report includes totals as of today.