Miscellaneous Reports  (partial list)

Available Occupancy by Room Type - Lists available occupancy locations in the Unit/Room Library by unit. Shows room type, type of service, occupancy location type, date occupied, when available, and reserved status and date.

Available Occupancy with Lost Revenue - Lists available rooms by unit. Displays room type, type of service, date available, reserved status and date and total lost revenues based on available rooms "posted rate".

Monthly Fee Library - Lists all Monthly Fees entered into the library.

Preferences Library - Lists items in Preference Library.

Service Fees Library - List of all the current Service Fees in the library. Displays the Service Fee description, position number for lists, and fee amount.

Unit - Rooms - Occupant with Resident - Lists all occupancy locations by unit/room in the Unit/Room Library, with resident name if location is occupied. Includes room type, Res ID, Center phone, and when available.

Units - Rooms - All Locations - Lists all occupancy locations in the Unit/Room Library by unit. Shows room type, type of service, occupancy location type, occupied status and date, when available, and reserved status and date.

Units - Rooms - Occupancy Available - Lists available occupancy locations in the Unit/Room Library by unit. Shows room type, type of service, occupancy location type, date occupied, when available, and reserved status and date.

Units - Rooms - Occupied -  Lists all occupancy locations by unit and room in the Unit/Room Library that are occupied when report is printed. Includes room type, resident name and ID, date occupied, and when available.