Accounting Reports  (partial list)

ACH Exports by Date - Actual ACH data exported for review.

ACH Resident Information - Report to show all information for residents entered in the database with Automatic funds transfer information

Adjustments - For the selected resident and selected date range, lists all adjustment amounts by resident. Provides adjustment date, category, type, description, and amount.

Advance and Deposit Activity - Lists all advances and deposits with activity during the given date range

Advance Payment Balances - Lists balances of all advance payments received with all pertinent resident information.

Aged Receivables Details - Filtered by resident name, lists resident balances by groupings of 0-30 days, 31-60 days, and Over 90 days. Provides resident name, ID, and total amount due.

Aged Receivables Summary - Lists all resident balances by groupings of 0-30 days, 31-60 days, and Over 90 days. Provides resident name, ID, and total amount due.

AR Collections - Completed: Displays AR Collections activities made within the given date range.  Includes follow up information.

AR Collections - Scheduled: Displays AR Collections activities scheduled within the given date range.

Balance Entry History:

Charges By Category - Filtered by resident name, category, and date range. Lists by category all the resident charges for the criteria selected.

Chart of Accounts - Listing of account numbers, description and type of account.

Current Adjustments - Lists all current adjustments entered since close of month.

Current and Aged Receivables Details - Report shows current billing and aged receivables details

Current and Aged Receivables Details - Calender Month: Lists all resident balances and current billing by groupings by Calendar Month. Provides resident name, ID and total amount due.

Current and Aged Receivables Summary - Report shows current billing and aged receivables summary

Current and Aged Receivables Summary - Calender Month: Lists all resident balances and current billing by groupings by Calendar Month. Provides summary by resident.

Current Balance Entries - Lists all current miscellaneous transactions entered since close of month.

Current Payments - Lists all current payments entered since close of month.

Daily Cash Receipts Summary - Lists all the daily cash receipts received for a selected date range. Lists amounts received by payor name, resident name, and reference number.

Deposits By Date - Lists deposits received with resident ID, name, payment type, and amount.

Deposits on Hand - Lists deposits received with resident ID, name, unit and room location, and payment amount.

General Ledger Details - For Date Range selected, lists the charges debited and/or credited to general ledger accounts shown by resident detail. Includes code number, description, debit amount, credit amount.

General Ledger Summary - For Date Range selected, lists the charges debited and/or credited to general ledger accounts shown. Includes code number, description, debit amount, credit amount.

General Ledger Summary Totals -For Date Range selected, lists the totals debited and/or credited to general ledger accounts shown. Includes code number, description, debit amount, credit amount.

Historical Aged Receivables Details - Filtered by resident name, lists resident balances by groupings of 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days and Over 90 days based on given date. Provides resident name, ID and total amount due.

Historical Aged Receivables Grouped - Lists all resident balances by groupings of 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days and Over 90 days based on given date.  Grouped by Positive and Negative Balances.  Provides resident name, ID and total amount due.

Historical Aged Receivables Summary - Lists all resident balances by groupings of 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days and Over 90 days based on given date. Provides resident name, ID and total amount due.

Historical Aged Receivables Summary with Credits: Lists all resident balances by groupings of 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, Over 90 days, Credits and Advance Payment credits based on given date. Provides resident name and total amount due.

Historical Aged Receivables Totals - Lists all resident balances by groupings of 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days and Over 90 days based on given date. Provides resident name, ID and total amount due.

Historical Deposits on Hand - Indicates deposits with balance as of selected date. Lists resident name and ID, location, initial amount of deposit and balance.

Monthly Billing Detail - Reprint: Reprint of Monthly Billing Details generated at Month End close.

Monthly Fee Summary - Based on today's census, totals and counts number of residents using each Monthly Fee item. Calculates total residents for each Monthly Fee item and percentage compared to total census.

Monthly Fee Summary Residents - Based on today's census, totals and counts number of residents using each Monthly Fee item. Calculates total residents for each Monthly Fee item and lists residents for each Monthly Fee.

Monthly Revenue Report - For selected date range, displays the total billings and total receipts. Also includes any adjustments and deposits.

Occupied Location Days by Room Type: Report listing of all occupancy locations that were occupied and the number of days they were occupied for the entered date range. Shows occupancy locations by room type.

Occupied Location Days by Type Service - Report listing of all occupancy locations that were occupied and the number of days they were occupied for the entered date range. Shows occupancy locations by type service.

Projected Billing - Based on current census, lists all charges for each resident for the next billing period. Displays resident name and location, room rate, assessment fee, monthly and service fees with totals and grand totals.

Projected Billing by Referral Category - Lists all known future billings by referral category.  Displays projected billings for: room rates, assessements fees, monthly fees, service fees and grand totals.

Projected Billing with Charges - Based on current census, lists all charges for each resident for the next billing period.  Lists by resident name and location. Shows last month and projected billings for: room rates, assessements fees, monthly fees, service fees and grand totals.

Projected General Ledger Details - Based on current census, lists the charges to be debited and/or credited to general ledger accounts in the next billing cycle, shown by resident detail Includes code number, description, debit amount, credit amount.

Rate Review By Date - Lists all residents who have a scheduled rate increase occurring within the date range selected. Includes resident ID, resident name, Unit/Room location, current room rate, and the scheduled date of increase.

Rate Reviews Past Due: Lists all current residents without a Scheduled Rate Increase

Receipt Reprints - Filtered by Resident name and Receipt number or date. Report allows re-printing of past resident receipts.

Rent Roll Summary - Displays historical list of all resident charges for a selected date range. Displays resident name and location, room rate, assessment fee, monthly and service fees with totals and grand totals.

Rent Roll Summary by Location - Displays historical list all resident charges for a selected date range. Displays resident name and location, room rate, assessment fee, monthly and service fees with totals and grand totals. Sorted by Unit, Room location.

Rent Roll Summary by Referral Category - For selected date range, displays history of billings by referral category. Lists totals for room rate, assessment fees, monthly fees, service fees and grand totals.

Resident Account Balance Activity - Based on selected date range, lists resident current balance, billed and received amounts, date and amount of last payment.

Resident Assessment Days by Level of Care - Report that show the residents with active assessments and the number of days for those active assessments for the entered date range, grouped and sub-totalled by level of care.

Resident Days - Report that shows the number of residents on site and the number of days on site for the entered date range.

Resident Days by Type Service - Report that shows the number of residents on site and the number of days on site for the entered date range, grouped and sub-totalled by type service.

Resident Days with Conversions - Report that shows the number of residents on site and the number of days (including conversions) on site for the entered date range.

Resident Days with Monthly Fees- Report that show the number of residents on site and the number of days on site for the entered date range.

Resident Days with Room Holds - Report that shows the number of residents on site and the number of days on site for the entered date range.  Room-hold days calculated and shown separately.

Resident Statements - Filtered by resident name and statement number or date. Report allows re-printing of past resident statements.

Resident Statements All - Filtered by Statement date. Report allows re-printing of past resident statements.

Residents With Balances - Lists all resident with balances including deposits, advances, and credits. Displays resident name and location, status, room rate, assessment fee, monthly and service fees with totals and grand totals.

Responsible Party - Based on current census, lists resident responsible parties. Displays resident name and location, their responsible party name and address, relation, and phone numbers.

Responsible Party Labels - Displays a list of resident responsible party name and addresses in the Avery 5160 label format for printing.

Room Rate Variances with Residents - Lists rate variances for all occupied locations in the Unit/Room library. Includes resident name, room type, actual rate, assessment fee, standard rate, total paid, and variance of total paid to budget.

Sales Tax Details by Date - List sales tax items for a selected date range.  Sales Tax calculated as of the last day of month.

Sales Tax Projected - List all current Service Fee items that are taxable and calculates Sales Tax amount.

Service Fees By Date - Lists all service fees within the selected date range by resident and date. Includes resident ID, type and description of fee, quantity, amount, total, and whether or not the fee has been billed.

Statement Combination List - Shows list of residents whose statements are being consolidated with a companion resident.

Statement Email Exceptions - List Resident and Statement information for failed attempts to email statements.

Statement Email List - List of all residents that have selected to receive statements via email.  Displays email subject line and message with a listing of all email addresses associated with each resident.

Statement Summary Mid-Month:  

Third Party Statements - Filtered by Resident name and statement number or date. Report allows re-printing of past resident statements.

Third Party Statements All - Filtered by Statement date. Report allows re-printing of past resident statements.

Total Occupancy Location Days - Report listing of all occupancy locations that were occupied and the number of days they were occupied for the entered date range.

Transaction History - Non Statement Items - Filtered Date Range, lists all financial transactions for Non Statement Items. Displays date, resident name, and transaction type, category, description and amount.

Transaction History by Date - Filtered by category and date range, lists all financial transactions, displays date, resident name, and transaction type, category, description, and amount.

Transaction History by Resident - Lists all transactions within selected date range in order by resident name. Includes resident ID, transaction date, description, type, amount and a resident total.

Transaction History Summary - Filtered by date range selected, displays all financial transaction details that occurred for selected date range.