Assign Cost Factor to Service Area

In order to calculate charges for care provided to residents, the cost factor portion of this screen must be completed. In most instances the numbers may be manually altered during the resident assessment, but original calculations must be assigned during the initial Service Area and Level/Services set up.

  • To add Minutes, Cost per Minute, Points or Rate and Frequency, follow the appropriate directions provided below based on the Move-N Resident Care program method you have determined for your Community in Fee Setup(points, time, or dollars).
  • Rate: Move-N Resident Care now has the ability to charge a flat rate for a specific Service Area Task or Service.  When you fill in the Rate field the other fields (Min, Cost/Min and Points) should all be zero.  After entering the rate and pressing tab you will see an additional field GL Acct#. This enables you to select a specific General Ledger account number for this specific Task.