View Projected Billing and Resident Statements

  • Click on Statements (Main Accounts Receivable Menu > Accounts Receivable > Statements). 

  • First, Select the Print Order that you want to view and/or print the preliminary resident statements or reports. You can print alphabetically by Resident last name or print in Unit/Room order by selecting "Resident Location".
  • Select the Type Service (optional)
  • Select the Status of Resident whose Billing or Statement you choose to review. This action does not post any outstanding charges, does not close the month and the records and reports will not be saved. 
  • To view one or several residents' billings or statements (but not all), click on the name of each desired residents followed by the > button. This will move each resident chosen to the selection screen indicating that only their information will be available for viewing/printing. (To deselect the resident, click on his or her name and then the < button.)

  • If you choose to view all resident billings or statements, click on the >> button to move all resident names to the selection screen (<< deselects all residents).
  • Select the Current Billing button to see current charges billed during this billing period, for the selected residents. This includes prorate charges but does not include any current payments. This is printed in report format to save paper.
  • To print the current pro-rate items, click the Current ProRate Charges button. This will print only prorated amounts scheduled to be billed in the current billing period.  This prints in statement format.
  • The ProRate Summary will print the prorates in a condensed format on a summary page.
  • The Statements Summary button will print the same information as the Resident Statement button, but in a more condensed format. This report includes current prorates, payments, adjustments and but does not include a listing of individual past due billing items. It does include the Last Statement Balance, current billing and Current Balance Due. This prints in report format to save paper.
  • Select the Statements button to view current charges and payments, as they would appear on the selected resident statements. To print the statements as shown, from the Statement preview window, select the printer icon on the menu bar.
  • Select the Third Party Statements to print Resident Statements with the non-statement items only.