Set Up Service Fees

To add new service fee, just click  and complete the information.  

The new service fee will now appear in the drop down for Service Fees.

  • Click Add. 
  • Enter Fee description (example: Dog Care). 
  • Tab and enter the amount of the Service Fee. This amount may be changed when the fee is actually being applied to resident records. 
  • Tab to add the position number of the fee, which defines the order in which the fee appears in the service fee drop-down list. Service Fees with no position number will appear at the top of the drop down list, sorted alphabetically. 
  • Select Type Service from drop-down list (optional). 
  • Select GL Account Number from drop-down list (optional). If no GL Account Number is entered, amounts posted from this Service Fee will appear at the top of General Ledger reports in a category labeled "unknown". 
  • Save
  • Repeat to enter additional Fees.