Plans/Tasks Reports  (partial list)

Caregiver Conflicts: Lists all active tasks that are in conflict with another task for a selected Caregiver

Daily Exceptions:

Daily Tasks by Caregiver: For Selected Date, lists resident and non-resident related tasks assigned to individual caregivers. Includes time, resident, location, task, budged time, staff initials and notes.

Daily Tasks by Caregiver - Resident: For Selected Date, lists resident tasks assigned to individual caregivers. Includes time, resident, location, task, budgeted time, staff initials and notes.

Daily Tasks by Caregiver - Time: For Selected Date, lists resident tasks assigned to individual caregivers. Includes time, resident, location, task, budgeted time, staff initials and notes.

Level of Care Time Details: Lists resident name, number of daily, weekly or monthly minutes for current assessments by indicated level of care.

Level of Care Summary: Summarizes number of daily, weekly or monthly minutes for current assessments by indicated level of care.

Personal Care Daily Log: Filtered by resident Date Range, lists all monthly assessment and non assessment related tasks. Check boxes included to indicate resident acceptance or refusal.

Resident Service Plan: For Selected Resident. lists the resident assessment areas and levels with related plan for each area.

Resident Services Task Sheet: For a selected day and date, lists all Service Tasks to be performed for the criteria selected. In order by Time, shows Resident name and Location, Task performed with resident preferences and notes.

Resident Tasks Scheduled By Location: For Selected Service Area and in order of location, shows resident name, who service performed by and notes.

Resident Tasks Scheduled By Location - Times: For Selected day and date, lists Service Tasks in order by Unit, Room and Time. Lists resident name, service area, caregiver and scheduled time for tasks.

Resident Tasks Scheduled Summary: Calculates the total care time of all residents based on today's census and most current assessment. Displays totals by unit and Center grand totals. Provides total care time in minutes and hours and average time per resident.

Resident Tasks Scheduled Time vs. Actual Time: For Selected day and date, lists Service Tasks in order by Caregiver, Location and Time. List resident name, service area, caregiver and scheduled time for tasks.

Resident Tasks Scheduled with Notes: For Selected day and date, lists Service Tasks in order by Resident and Time. List resident name, notes, caregiver and scheduled time for tasks.

Staff Planning By Resident: Filtered by Resident, shows service area, notes, budgeted time and total budgeted minutes of care.

Staffing Guidelines: Caregiver: Helps determine staffing needs. Based on scheduled resident tasks, provides the total amount of caregiver time scheduled and number of FTEs needed by day, shift and week.

Staffing Guidelines: Hourly: Helps determine staffing needs. Based on scheduled resident tasks, provides the total amount of caregiver time scheduled and number of FTEs needed by day and by shift.