New Leads / Inquiries from Centerpointe

Note: Centerpointe is highly customizable and your company / community may request different settings than what is described below.

A new lead from Centerpointe will follow some basic guidelines. You can expect the new lead to contain all or some of the information below:

  • Inquiry First and Last Name
  • Resident First and Last Name
  • Inquiry Email and or Phone Number

    • To assist in managing leads from our Centerpointe product, which imports leads from various referral agencies and other online sources, a new status of "Pending" has been added to your Move-N Marketing program.
      • Pending inquiries are those, which need to be reviewed before an appropriate status of Hot, Warm, Cold, etc., can be assigned. Inquiries that are automatically imported via Centerpointe from these sources or inquires that are manually entered may be assigned this status. This status is only available in the Marketing module. Pending Status Inquiries will not be listed in Resident Care or the Accounting module.

  • Information such as Status, Activities, Resident Current Location, Referral Sources, Employee ID's will depend on what your company or community requests.