Miscellaneous Reports  (partial list)

Diagnoses Library - List the contents of the Diagnoses Library.

Goal Library - Lists all goals entered into the library. Goals are in order by service area and level of care.

Preferences Library - Lists items in Preference Library.

Rate Level Charges - High and Low Range of Points or Minutes with the associated charge.

Risk Factor Library - List all the risk factors and each associated Intervention.

Service Area Library - List all the service areas and each level of care definition. Displays service area, period, minutes, weight, and frequency for all levels of care and service areas.

Service Goal Library - Lists all service goals entered into the library. Goals are in order by service area and level of care.

Service Plan Library - Lists all service plans entered into the library. Plans are in order by service area and level of care.

Staff Assignment List - Lists caregivers/staff assignments set up in Preferences Library