Accounts Receivable (AR) - Billing Program

Setup Guide & First Time Use

Information required:

  • List of Chart of Account Numbers 
  • Asset Accounts: 
  • Checking 
  • Deposits 
  • Advance Payments* 
  • Income (Revenue) accounts 
  • Sales Tax Account as a liability account for Service Fees if applicable
  • Account number for each category (Room Rate, Assessment Fees) broken down by product line 
  • Account number for each category (Monthly Fees, Service Fees) 
  • Account number for general Sales Adjustments account 
  • Current balance for each resident, broken down by category (Room Rate, Assessment Fees, Monthly Fees, Service Fees) 

Move-N Setup Procedures:

  • Enter Chart of Account numbers in library 
  • Enter GL Interface information 
  • Assign Aging periods 
  • Select Program Method (billing method) 
  • Check "Include Pro-Rate Calculation" if desired 
  • Check "Hide Pro-Rate Offsets" if desired 
  • Check "Continue billing Room-Holds" if desired 
  • Enter Date of last posting 
  • Enter Billing cycle start and end dates 
  • Enter Effective Date for Pro-Rating 
  • Assign account numbers to categories on GL General and GL Specific tabs 
  • Setup Late Fees parameters on Late Fees tab 
  • Enter each resident current balance into the Balance Entry section 
  • Print statements to review accuracy and make adjustments as necessary before closing month and printing final statements. 

Example Scenario:

Begin using Move-N AR as of June 1, 2009

  • Assume date is May 31, 2009 
  • Enter Chart of Accounts information 
  • Assign numbers on GL Interface 
  • Set billing method 
  • Select checkboxes for Pro-Rating and Room Holds as desired 
  • Set Date of Last Posting = April 30, 2009 
  • Set Billing Period dates = May 1, 2009 to May 31, 2009 
  • Set Effective date for Pro-Rate Calculations = June 1, 2009 
  • Collect current account balance information for each resident as of May 31, 2009 
  • Enter Balance Entries for each resident in the amount of their current balance, dated May 31, 2009 
  • Print statements and review for accuracy 
  • Enter any other Balance Entries or delete Balance Entries as necessary. Then review and/or re-print statements until they are accurate 
  • Close month (which closes May 2009 and does billing for June 2009) 
  • Can now begin taking payments on current balances and June billing 

* Can be the same account number or a separate account number for each type.