Resident Photographs

Photograph Format

  • Image format should be .jpg, .gif, .png or .bmp.
  • The file size should be less than 2mb (preferably 50kb to 100kb) in size.
  • The photos should be a head shot. Zoom in close to the subject's face.

  • The photo should be square in format. A wide screen photo will be squeezed to fit in to the the square resident photo box.

Source Image in wides screen format.

The Image Box for Resident Photos

Result of using wide screen image. The sides are compressed to fit in to square box


Attaching Photo To Resident Record

  • Click the  button.
  • The Upload Image dialog box will display.
  • Click the  button.
  • Browse to location of the image file on your computer/network.
    • Note: Move-N recommends storing all of your photos in a common folder on your network that all employees have access to.
  • Select the image file and click Open.
  • The Image file will be uploaded and attached to the resident record.