Resident Care Term Definitions

The following terms and field names are used throughout Resident Care especially in the Assessment Area/Level Setup Form and the Resident Assessment Form. A clear understanding of these terms will make setting up the program easier. Please review this information thoroughly and refer back to it as necessary.

Area: A Service Area of Assessment that the resident will be measured against, such as bathing, eating, etc.

The assessment section of Move-N Resident Care allows evaluation of potential/current residents based on any number of resident assessment Service Areas desired. Examples:

  • Bathing 
  • Dressing 
  • Eating 
  • Hygiene 
  • Medication 
  • Mobility 

Each Service Area also provides the ability to quickly create a plan of care and delivery of care staffing schedules.

Cost/Min: The amount per minute for providing the Service/Task described. The cost per minute is calculated based upon the expertise level of the staff person who would typically provide this particular Service/Task.
For example: If this Service/Task is typically performed by a nurse aide at an hourly rate of $6.00 per hour, enter the cost as ten cents per minute or $0.10. If the Service/Task is typically provided by an R.N. at an hourly rate of $18.00 per hour, enter the cost as thirty cents per minute or $0.30.

Freq: (frequency) Determines the number of times the level of care will be performed based on the time Period chosen. Example: bathing 2 times weekly; eating 3 times daily, etc.

Min: (minutes) The pre-determined amount of staff time required to provide the level of care defined. This is important information for staff scheduling, even when billing is determined by the Points or Rate method.

Monthly Fees: Any type of additional monthly fees for special products or services that occur regularly each month. For example: carport or garage, cable TV, regularly-scheduled housekeeping, etc. (These fees are separate from monthly Room Rate, monthly Assessment Fees, and Service Fees for items that do not occur on a regularly-scheduled basis.)

Period: The time period (daily, weekly or monthly) in which the assessment level of care will be provided (Eating is a daily event, Bathing might be a weekly event, etc.).

Points: When using a points method, the pre-determined amount of points required to provide the level of care defined.

Pro-Rate: A calculation that adjusts fees based on the number of days the fee was in effect. The calculation is as follows: the fee * 12 / 365 * number of days. The calculation includes the first and last day.

Required Fields: These fields contain information which Move-N Resident Care must have in order to function properly. You must complete these fields before being able to save the information on the current screen. Required fields have yellow backgrounds.

Room Rate: A monthly dollar amount charged for occupancy in the specified room.

Service Fees: Any type of special (non-recurring) fees for any item that is not billed regularly each month. Example: guest meals, transportation, and special event fees.

Level/Task: Also referred to as Level of Care. Level of Care or tasks that are provided for the resident within each Service Area of the assessment. The quantity of Level/Tasks which may be offered for each Area is unlimited. For example: Bathing

  • Level/Task 1 = No assistance 
  • Level/Task 2 = Light assistance 
  • Level/Task 3 = Moderate assistance 
  • Level/Task 4 = Full assistance required