Mobile Dashboard        

The mobile dashboard contains up to date information on community Inquiries, Resident Census, Tours, Deposits, etc.

Dashboard Sections

  • Census - Daily Census for today. Tapping the Census will further drill down to show the Census by Type Service.

  • Inquiries - New inquiries MTD from the 1st of current month to current date. Tapping the Inquiries will further drill down to show the new Inquiries by type service.

  • Move-Ins - The number of Move-Ins MTD from the 1st of current month to current date. Tapping the Move-Ins will further drill down to show the Move-Ins by Type Service.

  • Move-Outs - The number of Move-Outs MTD from the 1st of current month to current date. Tapping the Move-Outs will further drill down to show the Move-Outs by Type Service.

  • Scheduled Move-Ins - The number of Scheduled Move-Ins MTD from the 1st of current month to current date. Tapping the Move-Ins will further drill down to show the Scheduled Move-Ins by Type Service

  • Scheduled Move-Outs - The number of Scheduled Move-Outs in the future from the current date and beyond. Tapping the Move-Outs will further drill down to show the Scheduled Move-Outs by Type Service.

  • Hot Leads - The total number of Hot Leads in Move-N regardless of date. Tapping the Hot Leads will further drill down to show the Hot Leads by Type Service.

  • Tours - Total number of Tours MTD. Tapping the Tours will further drill down to show the Tours by Type Service.

  • New Deposits - Total number of New Deposits MTD. Tapping New Deposits will further drill down to show the Deposits by Type Service.