Security Options


Enforce CAPTCHA on incorrect password? When an incorrect password is sent the program the employee will be sent a CAPTCHA challenge that must be clicked to allow logging in to continue.

Enforce password expiration? Passwords will expire every 90 days by default.

Enable user account locking on failed login attempts: User will be locked out after 5 attempts by default and administrator must manually reset password.

Password Diversity

Maximum Password Length: The largest a password can be is 15 characters. You may specify a max password length of 5 to 15 characters.

Minimum Password Length: The smallest a password can be is 5 characters. You may specify a minimum password length of 5 to 15 characters.

Minimum UpperCase Letters Required: How many uppercase letters should be in the password.

Minimum LowerCase Letters Required: How many lowercase letters should be in the password

Minimum Amount of Numbers: How many numbers should be in the password

Number of Historical Passwords to Store: No repeating of the last X passwords