

Q. I seem to have a blank record on my Inquiry Name Selection screen - there is a blank line where the names and status should be.  How do I delete this blank inquiry?

A. If the record in question has at least an inquiry name or a resident name then from the Marketing menu select the Search button along the top. Search on the name from the partial record. You will be able to edit the record of you select the record from the search results. You could at this point continue editing the record or delete it.

If the record has a blank Inquiry AND resident name. Each time the program is started it will check to see if any of these blank inquiries exist. if it sees one AND it is over 24 hours old it will attempt to delete the record. If you have a record that persists 24 hours, please exit the program completely and log back in. If the record is still present call Move-N Technical Support.


Q. How do I correct typographical errors after a resident has been moved-in?

A. From the Main Menu, select Resident Care > Residents. Locate the resident whose information is to be corrected on Resident Selection and double-click the name. Click the Options > Inquiry button at the top right of screen. Locate any typographical mistakes and correct them.

Can't Set Value Message
Q. What should I do if I get an error message saying "Can't Set Value..."?

A. Exit the Move-N program normally, if possible, to get back to the Main Menu. Restart Move-N, go back to the same record you were editing and continue your work. If you cannot exit Move-N normally or if you still get the message after restarting, call Move-N Technical Support -- your data file may need to be repaired.

#Deleted in Fields
Q. What should I do if I see "# Deleted" in fields where I just entered information?

A. Exit the Move-N program normally, if possible, to get back to the Main Menu. Make sure there are not multiple copies of the Move-N program running on your computer. If you are on a network, make sure that anyone else who may be using Move-N from another computer is not editing the same record you are. Restart Move-N, go back to the record you were editing and continue working. If you cannot exit Move-N normally or if you still get the message after restarting, call your network administrator or Move-N Technical Support for assistance.

Add, Edit without Cancel Message

Q. What should I do if I have the message 'Add Edit or Cancel Without Update" exiting a record or screen

A. Click OK on the error message and press ESC key 3x. Then attempt to Exit


Q. I received an error when attempting to email from Move-N.

A. Verify that the Move-N program is correctly configured to send email. An error log is created when Move-N receives an error response from an email server. This log file EMAIL_ERROR.TXT is located in the folder where the Move-N application file is located. (In most cases: C:\Program Files\Move-N Complete\) This file will be helpful for IT staff or Move-N Technical Support in diagnosing the error message.