Community Info
This screen may be used to edit the Community name (visible on the Main Menu), address and phone numbers, default state, name of the Center's Director/Administrator, report line titles and default information.
Report Line 1 and Report Line 2 define what appears on the title section of printed Move-N reports.
Community Defaults
New Inq. Status - The default status set when a new Inquiry record is created.
Type Service - The default Type Service set when a new Inquiry record is created.
Payor - The default Payor set when a new Inquiry record is created.
Location - The Location of where the Potential Resident is located prior to moving in.
State - The default state for the Potential Resident is located in prior to moving in.
Country - The default Country set when a new Inquiry record is created.
Gender - The default gender assigned to residents when a new inquiry is created.
Time Zone - Community Time Zone. Select appropriate time zone for the community. This can help some web browsers display time relevant to your location.